Salary Prediction inside Container

Install docker
Run Docker container with centos image
Install python software on docker container
Create Salary Prediction App on docker container.
Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and deploy it as one package.
#yum install docker -y
This command is used to install docker.
Now, we have to start and enable the docker services permanently.
#systemctl start docker
#systemctl enable docker
we can also check the status of the docker container by the following command:
#systemctl status docker

How to run docker container by centos image?
docker run container with centos image and name of container is Task.
#docker run -it — name Task centos:latest

How to run the same container again?
We can start the docker container and then we can attach it.
#docker start Task
#docker attach Task

Now, we have to install python software in our container.
#yum install python3

To make our Salary predictor model we have to install some libraries like pandas and scikit-learn
#pip3 install pandas
#pip3 install scikit-learn

Now we have to copy our dataset from the base OS to the docker container.
#docker cp /home/ec2-user/SalaryData.csv Task:/task1

Prepare Salary Predictor Model

Run this code:

Finally, the code of predictor app is as follows:

Predictor App is ready to use.

Thank You